Standard terms and conditions

On this page you can find the website standard terms and conditions of, as made available by ViNotion B.V. . These standard terms and conditions contained herein on this webpage, shall govern your use of this website, including all pages within this website.

Intellectual property

Usage of the information found in this website is free, as long as you do not copy, distribute or use the information in any way that is, or may be, damaging. You may only use the information in this website in accordance with the mandatory legal rules.

Without the explicit written consent by ViNotion B.V., you are not allowed to re-use text, imagery or other material from this website. All rights to the intellectual property and material contained in this website are owned by ViNotion B.V. and all such rights are reserved.


The information and products in this website are offered without warranty and/or claim on correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or re-add the material without preceding statements. ViNotion B.V. can not be held accountable for information found on websites that we refer to through hyperlinks.


ViNotion B.V. is permitted to revise these terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this website you are expected to review such terms on a regular basis to ensure you understand all terms and conditions governing use of this website.

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